Sig Guy P-Series Disassembly Punches / Slave Pin Kit
This kit contains:
- (1) Medium Blue Punch.
- (1) Large Green Punch.
These punches are handy to have around when working on any gun, especially Sig Sauer P-Series models.
These punches not only easily push out the trigger, sear and other pins, but more importantly, they act as slave pins when reassembling your firearm. The factory pins are small and often difficult to work with when reassembling.
Use the punches in this kit to easily align parts and pieces. When everything is in its proper location, simply push the alignment punch out with the factory pin. It's that simple!
Some uses for these punches include:
- Trigger pivot pin removal / installation
- Safety lever removal / alignment / installation
- Ejector, sear, sear spring and safety lever pin alignment
- Sear spring removal / installation
- Easily switch out parts without having to completely disassemble.